Du forstår højst sandsynligt, at jeg allerede kan lide Muji hudplejeprodukterne, som jeg har prøvet, så jeg var helt i mit aspekt på den nyeste Muji Canada åbent hjem, som skulle fremvise deres hudpleje.
Ligesom tidligere Muji Open Home Sessions var det en lille intim affære, som jeg meget foretrækker. Vi opdagede om de forskellige Muji hudpleje linjer med fokus på den følsomme hud sort (min favorit!) Samt alle os fik et valg af produkter til at prøve os selv. Her er det, vi lærte, såvel som hvad vi modtog.
MUJI Skincare is all about hydration. as well as that begins with the purest water source they can find. The water is sourced from caves of Kamaishi City in Iwate Prefecture, which has the exact same pH balance as our tears as well as is quickly absorbed by the skin. Currently, MUJI Canada offers 3 skincare lines:
• Anti-Aging (brown packaging) – features 10 necessary oil to prevent indications of aging
• sensitive Skin (clear packaging) – free of fragrance, dyes, mineral oil, paraben, as well as alcohol.
• organic series (green packaging) – organic components including jojoba, sunflower, lavender oils
And, we were advised that the balancing series (cream packaging) will be making its debut in Canada extremely soon! This variety is meant for dehydrated as well as imbalanced skin types.
What’s so outstanding is that of the products I received, nothing is over C$15! however don’t let the cost point fool you – they’re made of excellent components as well as they work. What MUJI doesn’t spend on marketing as well as elegant packaging, they channel into the product components instead. That old adage “It’s what’s inside that counts” definitely applies to MUJI skincare.
I likewise appreciate that MUJI has very little packaging which is both expense efficient as well as much better for the environment. The toners as well as milks do not include sprays or pumps – these are offered individually as well as the tubes can be trimmed to any type of length (the packaging even includes a ruler guide to show where to snip). The pumps are reusable.
MUJI kindly provided us a choice of skincare products to try for ourselves – the majority of the products are from the sensitive Skincare variety which would be appropriate for all skin types. Here’s what we received:
• Cleansing Oil C$14.50
• moderate deal with laundry C$6.50
• Cleansing Sheet C$1.50
I’m running the danger of being a damaged record about my like for the MUJI sensitive Skin Cleansing Oil, however I’ll repeat myself up until I’m blue in the face: this stuff rocks! Its base is olive oil instead of mineral oil. It cleans thoroughly however doesn’t strip the skin. as well as it’s so inexpensive! It was on my 2015 finest of list!
• Toning Water wetness C$10.00 + Spray Head C$3.50
What’s neat about these toners is that they’re offered in different wetness levels: light, medium or high; so you can selected the hydration level you prefer. I have the High wetness Toning Water (shown above with the trigger style nozzle*) which I got in my June MUJI haul, as well as I adore it! I’m working on a quarterly favourites publish as well as – spoiler alert – it’ll be on the list.
• Moisturising Milk wetness C$10.00 + Pump Head C$3.50
• Moisturising cream C$14.50
Similar to the Toner, the Milk wetness (like an essence or serum) are available in 3 levels of hydration too. I’ve not tried any type of of MUJI’s moisturizers as of yet.
• deal with Wash Foam Scrub $6.50
• deal with Sheet (under eye patches) C$2.00
• deal with lotion Sheet (DIY sheet masks) C$2.00
The diy sheet masks as well as eye patches are amazing – I bought these in my last MUJI haul too. At the open House, they demo’d exactly how to utilize it – all you requirement to do is put the bit tablets in the toner cap as well as they expand.
When you unroll the sheet, it turns into this:
This page has a video showing the sheet mask in action.
• stack Hair turban C$7.50
• cosmetic Blotting Paper C$1.50
• portable Eyelash Curler C$6.00
I have the eyelash curler (shown opened*) as well as it’s my absolute favourite for travelling! I have the blotting paper as well, it’s waiting to be opened while I whittle down my blotting paper stash.
• cut Cotton Ecru C$3.50
I compared these to the Shiseido cotton here. Although not as soft (I suspect since they’re unbleached) they are super strong as well as I’ve bought the white version to try next.
Misc. hudpleje:
• Hand cream in Lavender C$9.50
• Lip cream in Grapefruit C$5.50
Both of these are part of the organic variety as denoted by their eco-friendly packaging. I have the lip balm in the increased scent (shown opened*) as well as it’s truly nourishing.
Another thing to note about MUJI skincare products is that many of them are offered in travel sizes which are travel friendly (dur ) however likewise excellent for trying before forpligter sig til den fulde størrelse.
Lær mere om den følsomme hudpleje sort her. Alle hudplejeprodukterne er lavet i Japan (ja, jeg inspicerede alle etiketter).
Skincare skærmen på Muji Atrium Store.
Og fremragende nyheder: Muji hudplejen vil være til salg til 15% rabat mellem 21. oktober – 31st!
Giveaway tid!
Dette er hvad du vil vinde (plus, 1 spray samt 1 pumpehoved)
Ikke at lyve, jeg var lokket for at holde et par ting til mig selv, som jeg aldrig har prøvet før (ansigt vaskeri samt fugtighedscreme). Men jeg har snarere et par hudplejeprodukter i min bestand, at jeg krav til at arbejde med først! Plus, da jeg har Muji butikker i nærheden, kan jeg hurtigt vælge disse produkter i fremtiden. Så heldig for dig – Jeg leverer væk hvert eneste produkt, jeg fik fra Muji! Her er præcis, hvordan du kan vinde hele Muji hudplejen vist ovenfor.
Må gøre:
• Overholde mig på WordPress eller via e-mail
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• Som dette udgives samt efterlade en kommentar nedenfor for at lade mig om din nuværende hud bekymring (er) samt som Muji hudpleje produkt interesserer dig mest.
Rart at gøre:
• Se såvel som overholde Muji Canada på Twitter, Instagram samt Facebook
• Se såvel som at overholde mig på Facebook
Læs dette:
• Åbn indtil midnat søndag den 30. oktober 2016 (EST)
• Åbn internationalt.
• Skal være over 18 år gammel
• En champion vælges
• Champion vil blive afsløret på bloggen på mandag den 31. oktober 2016
Held og lykke!
Endnu en gang, sig tak til dig til Muji Canada for at invitere mig til at besøge!
* Disse er mine egne produkter, der ikke er en del af Giveaway – du vil ikke have mine åbne / udnyttede ting, gør du?
Bemærk: Muji Canada leverede ovennævnte produkter til mig gratis for at gøre hvad jeg ønskede med dem. Giveaway er ikke sponsoreret af dem. Jeg besluttede at give dem til dig, så du kan prøve dem ud for dig selv!
Endelig vil i dag markerer åbningen af den nyeste Muji Store i Canada – Muji Yorkdale vil være en 6.375 sq ft butik, der vil bringe mere mad. Jeg er så begejstret, så godt som vil gøre en se ekstremt snart!
Har du prøvet Muji hudpleje før?
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