Archives June 2022

Et hår “uniform”, svarende et fundament bekymring samt en venlig påmindelse om denne hot pink lipstick

Hej, håruniform.
Godmorgen ven! Præcis hvordan har du det i dag? Jeg er virkelig lidt mindre frazzled, end jeg var i går siden for denne herlige ting, jeg snuble på at kalde “en makeup uniform” (vi talte om det den anden dag).

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Et håruniform

I den stilling tror jeg, at jeg ikke kunne huske at nævne, at sammen med Makeup Uniform har jeg også lavet en håruniform. For at gå med de stærke læber såvel som winged liner i denne uge, har jeg lavet en simpel lav hestehale med en glat side swoop. Jeg tror, ​​at hårets struktur fungerer godt sammen med makeup, såvel som – bonus! – Jeg kan piske den ud på mindre end fem minutter.


En utrolig ren base combo

I kommentarerne spurgte Angie for nylig for nylig, hvad Foundation jeg har brugt i det seneste med Makeup Uniform. Side note – Hey, Angie! Jeg har brugt Cerave’s mineral tonede fugtighedscreme omkring min aftale med lidt Estée Lauder 24h Concealer under mine øjne såvel som omkring min mund. Jeg sætter begge med Mac mineralize skinfinish pulver i medium gylden.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Jeg har lyst til, at min hud ser lige tonet såvel som poleret med denne specifikke blanding af produkter, men jeg har ikke lyst til at bruge tung base makeup.


Jeg forsøger at overflade op ad flasken Cerave, så jeg kan endelig købe ILIA-huden farvetone. Når det sker (og det vil ske!), Planlægger jeg også at få endnu en ilia øjenfarve. Jeg tror på Dim, den grålige lavendel eller mossy miljøvenlig luge. Eller begge!

En sidste ting! – Bare i situation har du ikke taget mac candy yum yum lipstick ud for et spin sidst (det er den varme pink jeg bruger i disse billeder), det er din venlige påmindelse om, at hun har brug for lidt kærlighed.


Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


S.s. Til dine ører i dag:

Covergirl trunaked Eyeshadow Palette i Roser

Det kan ikke virke som det i det seneste, men jeg er ikke rigtig en øjenskyggepalette slags pige. Og bestemt har jeg aldrig graviteret mod Drugstore Eye Shadow Paletter. Men hvad fik mig fascineret med Covergirl trunaked palette var de generelle rave anmeldelser online, og også se fantastiske live farveprøver fra Allura Beauty. Der er 3 versioner tilgængelige, og jeg endte med Rosers Palette:

Denne palette koster $ 14,99 ofte, men jeg indløste optimale point for min.

Der er 8 farver i paletten, med en kombineret vægt på 6,5 g (ca. 0,81 g hver) – det måler 11.5cm x 7cm x 1cm. Hvad angår paletlayoutet, er det ikke min favoritkonfiguration med de tynde strimler, men disse er brede nok til, at en MAC 239 børste nemt kan passe ind i hvert panel. Og for en drugstorpalette er sagen ikke forfærdeligt, men plastik føles lidt på den spinkende side. Dækket minder mig om kvaliteten af ​​et cd-case-dæksel – bare en lille smule pres ville sandsynligvis knække det.

Det faktum, at Covergirl selv gik et skridt videre og generet for at give navne til hver af de nuancer, er ess i mine bøger! Du ved alle, hvad der sker, når en palette forlader nuanserne, navngivne! (Jeg vil navngive dem for dig!)

Venstre til højre:
• mandel (pink tinged elfenben – matte)
• Champagne (Light Pink – Shimmer)
• Rose Gold (Warm Pink – Shimmer)
• Kobber rose (støvet mauve – matte)
• skumring (rosy taupe – frost)
• Mauvergine (Plummy Brown – Frost)
• Mousse (Deep Plum – Satin)

Og fik du det? Denne palette er lavet i Canada! Ved du, hvad andre mærker producerer deres produkter i Canada? Mac, nars, bobbi brun – for at nævne nogle få. Jeg var ganske gulvet for at se, at denne palette er lavet i Canada, og ikke i Kina som mange apoteker er i dag. Så så er det ikke overraskende, at jeg har fundet formlen til at være ganske imponerende:

(Jeg formoder, at kobber rose og skumring er mislabeled. Jeg tror, ​​at skumringen skal være den matte mauve og kobber rose er Shimmery Taupe – men det er ordren som pr. Mærket på bagsiden af ​​paletten.)

Standet ud nuancer for mig er baby, rose guld, skumring og mauvergine. Faktisk elsker jeg alle farverne i denne palette, men disse 4 er bare lidt mere specielle. Ærligt, jeg ville ikke ændre en enkelt skygge i denne palette! Det er en vidunderlig stand alene palette – jeg har min højdepunkt, crease og overgang nuancer alle indeholdt i denne palette. Hvis jeg skulle være super kræsen, kunne jeg have foreslået en mat crease skygge, men mousse er ikke så shimmery, så jeg vil lade det passere.

Min foretrukne måde at bære denne palette på er mauvergin i crease med rose guld på låget, baby som overgang / blanding farve og mandel til pandebenet. Kvaliteten af ​​både matt og frost er fremragende – pigmenteret og blendable – jeg finder shimmers til at være lidt løs og mere tilbøjelige til at falde ud. Brugstidspunktet for disse skygger er gode: ca. 8 timer før jeg ser nogen fading og let krølning.

Det indeholder en lame svamp tippet applikator, men til denne pris forventede jeg ikke noget bedre. I det mindste covergirl generet til 1) give noget overhovedet 2) har dual endted design indeholdende en flad paddle form i den ene ende med en spids spids på den anden.

• Pigmenteret, glat, blendbar formel
• Konsekvent god formel for alle finish
• Fantastisk værdi.
• Lang iført formel
• Kan skabe komplet øjeudseende
• Lavet i Canada

• Emballage lidt spinkelt og intet spejl
• Shimmers har nogle falde ud

Stash Worthiness: 9/10

Kør, gå ikke til din nærmeste butik og vælg denne palette op! Roser Palette var mit første valg af de 3 farvemuligheder, der tilbydes, da den indeholdt farver, jeg ikke ejer en masse i min samling. Men baseret på den fantastiske kvalitet og værdi, vil jeg sandsynligvis hente de andre 2 farver (gyldne og nøgne). Har du prøvet Covergirl-trunaked Paletter?

Ps. For dem i Storbritannien og har ingen adgang til Covergirl, er Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Paletter nøjagtig det samme!

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Megapost: Custom Palette Systemsi har haft dette indlæg brygning i flere måneder og endelig støvet det i lyset af den seneste kontrovers med Z palæ. Hvis du ikke ved det, læs om det her, her, og her. Um ja … Total Gong Show. : O Z Palette er nok den mest kendte af enhver større …
13. marts 2017in “Skønhed”

Lise watier simpelthen nudes eyeshadow palettei skyndte sig for at få denne anmeldelse op, fordi jeg bare ikke kunne holde af på at teste denne hvalp ud og dele mine tanker. Lise Watier simpelthen nudes 12-farve Eyeshadow Palette er fra variations de nude foråret 2016 samling: Jeg har forsømt mit projekt fokus 10 palette (smashbox dobbelt eksponering) så jeg …25. februar 2016in “Skønhed”

Surratt Skønhed Reviewi har været ønsket at prøve surratt skønhed siden jeg lærte om Relevée lash curler, måde før mærket blev tilgængeligt i Canada. Jeg lodede med at betale de stødte priser for at købe den online. Jeg var så så irriteret, at når mærket blev tilgængelig på Sephora, og det …
3. marts 2016in “skønhed”

How to Sanitize makeup

state you’ve just decluttered a whole lot of your makeup, as well as you’re planning on providing them away.  Or conversely, you took part in a swap, as well as you got carefully utilized makeup – exactly how do you sanitize makeup?

I’ve took part in MUA swaps method back in the day, as well as have provided away lots  of my makeup to friends. I generally keep my makeup in extremely clean condition, however it is still prudent to sanitize whatever before you provide them away. right here are some products you will need:

• 99% scrubing alcohol – higher alcohol material is preferable as it will have less water or filler; it will evaporate quicker as well as not change the makeup
• clean spray bottle
• retractable knife – I retain a retractable knife solely to utilize for makeup: to depot or eliminate pans from magnetic palettes, as well as for sanitizing (I clean the blade with 99% alcohol)
• non-linting tissue, paper towel, cotton pads
• blyantspidser
• clean cleanser
• neglelakfjerner


• dip tube into 99% alcohol
• wipe tube with non-lint tissue or paper towel
• utilize sharp knife to cut about 2mm off the tip (refrigerating the tube overnight very first will assist to solidify the lipstick)


• wipe surface layer of product with non-lint tissue or paper towel
• lightly spray surface with 99% scrubing alcohol (this will not damage the product)


• sharpen off the ends, about 5 turns in a sharpener should get rid of any type of of the exposed tip
• to be additional sure, break off the existing tip as well as then sharpen the pencil back to a point


• deep clean utilizing whichever clean cleaner you prefer
• after the brushes are dried, spray 99% scrubing alcohol over the bristles

Nail polishes

• generally nail polishes stay rather sanitary because of its acetone content, however I like to wipe the clean in addition to the neck of the bottles clean of any type of hardened nail polish residue with nail polish remover

No-no items: these are products I will never provide away or switch for utilized since it’s impossible to sanitize them:
• Lip glosses with wands – I’m still wary about the capture type tubes however they’re more sanitary
• Concealer with wands (basically anything with doe-foot sponge tipped wands!)
• Mascaras
• liquid liners

I believe that even if you’re not providing away your makeup, it’s great method to sanitize your own makeup from time to time.  For instance, I like to clean the mouth of my nail polish bottles – this likewise enables the cap to type a tighter seal so the nail polish doesn’t dry out as fast.

Hvad med dig? Do you provide carefully utilized makeup away, or take part in swaps? How do you sanitize your makeup?

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Spring Cleaning: exactly how I laundry My BrushesIt’s officially the very first week of Spring!  I toyed with the concept of doing a spring cleaning makeup purging entry… however I’m just not psychologically up for sorting with my stock yet.  So instead, I’ll show you exactly how I clean my makeup brushes. My technique has established over time.  For years I…
March 23, 2015In “Beauty”

Accountability Summary (+ Makeup Inventory) Ved gennemgang af min udgivelseshistorik indså jeg, at jeg aldrig har offentliggjort et årligt resumé af min lo-buy / no-køb ansvarlighed. såvel som jeg tror jeg forstår hvorfor … da jeg er en snigende snyde! : P Lad os spole lidt tilbage. Hvis du har overholdt min blog siden de tidlige dage, forstår du, at dette …
29. januar 2018in “Skønhed”

100 Day No-BuyToday is my official 100 days of my No-Buy! *throws confetti* My No-Buy primarily focused on not buying makeup / skincare according to my rules (no web new products unless it’s to replenish a completed product). To a lower extent, I likewise dedicated to not make any unnecessary garments purchases. JEG…
April 29, 2015In “Beauty”

The deal with Shop: The therapy Deluxe set

For the road trip, I brought along 2 of the products from this 3-pc kit, which I got for $5 as a purchase with purchase last year when I gotten some skincare at The deal with Shop.

The set includes:

• THE therapy necessary formula emulsion – $40 for 130ml (Deluxe sample is 32ml, worth $9.85)
• THE therapy Secret-Made Anti-Aging cream – $45 for 50ml (Deluxe sample is 10ml, worth $9.00)
• THE therapy necessary tonic treatment – $35 for 150ml (Deluxe sample is 32ml, worth $7.47)

The overall value of the set is $26.31, which is absolutely worth the $5 I paid for it.

The packaging explains The therapy variety as “an anti-aging cosmetic line that embodies a two century-old European natural blending technique from Marche, Italy.” There isn’t a whole great deal of technical info about this line offered – I was able to discover a press release dated Dec 2014 which supplies vague info about processing techniques, blending theories as well as botanical components (marigold, olives as well as bay blad). From their Facebook page, it listings the complying with benefits [brackets are my added comments]:

• supplies radiant as well as supple skin with a natural oil as well as wetness layer
• Marche hand-crafted anti aging blending formula
• formulated without 10 additives [no surfactants, silicone, paraben, acrylamide, mineral oil, man-made coloring, animal-sourced ingredients, benzophenone, triethanolamine, sulfate]
• primary active component adenosine [apparently adenosine is a great anti-inflammatory ingredient]

I’ll evaluation these in the buy in which I would usually utilize each product:

Essential tonic treatment
I utilized this as my publish cleansing, pre-moisturizing toner. It has a thicker liquid consistency, similar to that of the Body shop Vitamin E toner. While it did leave my skin soft as well as supple feeling, it’s good, however not amazing. There’s a faint floral fragrance – I’m guessing the marigold?

Essential formula Emulsion
This is a puzzling product. The structure is type of like gooey gel lotion, but not in a bad way. I utilized this product in two different ways: one method was to apply a thin layer pre-nighttime moisturizer, like a serum, as well as the other method was to utilize it as my daytime moisturizer.

I favored it as a daytime moisturizer – it supplied the good amount of hydration however can leave the skin a bit shiny.  The 5th as well as 6th component in this are palm as well as canola oil – I don’t recall ever seeing those in skincare before however obviously they’re great for the skin as well as options to mineral oil.

Secret-Made Anti-Aging Cream
This cream has a whipped butter high quality to it – a bit bit of this goes a long way. I made the error of apply as well much the very first few times I utilized it as well as my deal with was incredibly greasy looking.  This is finest utilized as a nighttime moisturizer as it is a bit rich for daytime.  The scent of this was extremely calming as well as faint.  In the morning I get up with soft, supple skin.

Overall, I’m pleasantly shocked by this variety from The deal with Shop!  I would state this line is a lot more geared toward typical to dry skin.  Out of the 3 products from this kit, I would absolutely think about getting the full size of the cream as well as perhaps the emulsion. They are absolutely contenders to ultimately replace a few of the Shiseido products I currently use.  The therapy collection likewise includes an product that wasn’t part of this kit: Oil-Drop Anti-Aging Serum ($45 for 45ml) – which I’m extremely interested by!

Ingredient listing – click to enlarge.  All 3 are made in Korea.
• absence of additives
• not heavily fragranced
• skin calming as well as hydrating components (glycerin, glycol, adenosine, olive oil, honey, oat)

• may not be easily offered in North America
• a bit a lot more costly than drugstore prices

Stash worthiness: 8/10

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Grading skincare routines – part 2It was inevitable that after I published the Grading my friends’ skincare routine entry that my other good friends likewise wished to have their routines reviewed.  I likewise had a visitor asked me in the comments to evaluation her skincare – which is extremely trusting of her! below are their self-reported…
May 11, 2015In “Beauty”

Trash Stash: June as well as July 2017: part 1 (Skincare as well as sample / travel Sizes)Since I skipped June’s trash Stash, I’m breaking up this publish into 2 parts instead of overwhelming you with a monster post. 😛 Here’s about half of what I utilized up in the past 2 months: The very first part will be solely focused on skincareSamt prøve / rejsestørrelser, …
8. august 2017in “Skønhed”

Papirkurvstash: oktober 2015october’s skraldespand har en interessant masse makeup produkter – Woohoo! Hver måned satte jeg mine tømmer i en Sephora Carry såvel som denne måned, det var overfyldt: men jeg håndterede for at få en gruppe skud: Sidste måned syntes jeg at have gennemført al min aftale med hudpleje, men denne måned jeg …
3. november 2015in “skønhed”

Travel makeup and Skincare: Cruising

I’m going on a Mediterranean cruise coming up this week and we’ll be gone for 10 days. I want to pack very light for this trip because it’ll be fairly casual, and because we’re going to warm places, I don’t anticipate wanting to wear too much makeup.

And I’ve just started the project pan so technically I’m expected to be focused on using those products, so I’ve tried to incorporate a few items on this trip.  I’ll be noting skincare here too.


• MAC pro palette eye shadows in Patina and Romp – out of the 4 that I chose for the project Pan, I chose these 2 are sufficient for what I need. I’m using the 2 pan pro palette that I picked up recently from MAC when I purchased the studio finish concealer.
• Shu Uemura glow On blush in P Soft Orange 540 – this shade can be used on the eyes too. I like how compact these blushes are.

• Anna Sui Dolly girl Lipstick in Natasha 003 – this was featured in my “Back-up worthy Makeup” post. It’s my no-brainer tinted lip balm and it’s really compact for travel too.

• K palette real long lasting liner in Deep Brown
• Shu Uemura brow:sword in Acorn – this is nearly finished and I actually set it aside just so I didn’t use it up before the trip! (this was a project focus item from earlier this year)
• Lancome Khol in love eye liner in 101 chocolate affair – a project pan item.
• Sephora colorful Jumbo liner 12 hr wear in 07 brown – another project pan item (that I evaluated this week), which I will use as a base for the MAC eye shadows, or wear on its own.
• CoverGirl Supersizer Mascara – been using this for the past month and am really enjoying it after I got over the initial learning curve! The wand is a bit floppy but now I can maneuver it without getting mascara all over my lids.

• MAQuillAGE long lasting Powdery UV EX foundation in OC20 – I debated back and forth about bringing this, or my project pan powder, the Cargo HD pressed Powder instead, but this compact foundation is all-in-one and has sunscreen (SPF20) too. This powder made a brief appearance in my Foundation, Powder and Concealer stash but I’ve never had a chance to talk about it – it’s a beautiful compact foundation that offers great coverage. The shade is a tad dark for me but I got it on clearance for $10, it’s fine to use while on vacation.
• Kate Stick Concealer in natural Beige – this is primarily for spot concealing, I have to sheer it out for under the eyes – this is also a project pan item.

Brushes / Tools

3 pieces only!

• Anna Sui Retractable face brush – I carry this around in my makeup bag. It twists up (rather than push up) so it can be for blush or powder. I really need to get a back-up of this.
• MAC 217SH Blending brush – I’m bringing just ONE eye shadow brush with me! and of course it has to be the 217 – it’s a fantastic all-rounder!
• Muji Portable lash curler – this is my go-to travel lash curler now.


• Clinique dramatically different Lotion+ – unlike the skincare that I packed for Japan, I made the decision to not have different moisturizer for day time and night time. This is one of few moisturizers that I find is a great all rounder.
• Elizabeth Arden flawless Future Eye Gel – this will also be my one and only eye cream for the trip – typically I have different ones for night time vs day time.
• Biotherm Biosource Tonifying exfoliating Cleansing Gel

• Garnier SkinActive Micellar Water sensitive Skin (Pink cap) – I’ve been using this for the past couple of months and it’s fantastic, just like all the reviews say! (I’ll decant into the travel bottle)
• Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm – it dawned on me that a cleansing balm travels better than a cleansing oil – I only need a small amount so a small pot is all I need to take with me (decanted from the full size tub).

• MAC pro Eye makeup remover – I received this as a sample when I purchased the MAC finally totally free lipstick (Caitlyn Jenner collab). I’ve not even evaluated this so fingers crossed that it’s good!

• Clarins UV plus SPF 40 Day screen Tint
• ColoreScience Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen Brush SPF 50 – this is so useful for on the go touch-ups.
• Jack Black intense therapy Lip Balm SPF 25 in Grapefruit

All the makeup fits into the H&M cosmetic grasp that I got back in January:

It steps 5″ x 7″ and 2″ deep – I like that it has multiple slots for pencils / brushes. And the skincare fits into the smaller mesh pouch that it came with:

Besides doing away with separate day and night skincare, I skipped a separate under eye concealer, serum, facial mist, and toner! some of the items are the same as what I took with me to Japan, like the Anna Sui brush and the MUJI eyelash curler – they’re just ideal travelling companions.  And I’ve managed to bring 4 of the 12 project pan items with me.

Ok, now tell me that I’m crazy and I need to bring at least another lipstick.

Update on that thing…

Many of you expressed interest in the skin issues on my legsthat I discussed in my August happiness Highlights post, and I have an update. yesterday I went back to the dermatologist for the biopsy results and here is the analysis verbatim:

This biopsy shows popular edema in the papillary dermis with focal exocytosis of lymphocytes. There is a dense lymphoeosinophilic infiltrate in the superficial and deep dermis which extends to the subcutaneous tissue. The appearance is compatible with insect bite reaction. In this biopsy the number of eosinophils is incredibly popular and there are some flame shaped figures. Eosinophilic cellulitis is considered in the differential diagnosis.

I had to google many of the words in that analysis. So, essentially it’s one of 2 things:
• reaction to a bug bite
• Wells Syndrome (Eosinophilic cellulitis)

Note that the 2 possibilities are not mutually exclusive – the bug bites could have triggered the Wells Syndrome.  What the heck is Wells Syndrome? The dermatologist gave me a print-out off this site which says:

Wells syndrome is a rare condition of unknown cause.

Oh that’s just great! And it’s incredibly rare – only 80 cases have been reported worldwide! Hvad er det næste? The fact that the spots are still recurring without the discovery of any bed bugs, he ordered a bunch of blood tests and urine sample, to 1) confirm whether it is Wells Syndrome 2) guideline out parasitic disorders – the doctor discussed something about some risk in eating sushi in Japan because they don’t freeze their fish like we do in North America. Hrm! They scheduled a follow-up appointment for early October! In the meantime, I just continue with my topical cortisone ointment. *sigh* I recommended that I was going on getaway and it’s no issue at all… “Have a great vacation!” Han sagde.

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Project pan 12: Anna Sui eyebrow color Compact in Ash BrownI’m playing catch-up this week with my project pan updates because I was delinquent while on vacation! I’ll do 2 products this week and 2 next week to get caught up with the rest of the PP12 crew! If you don’t remember what project pan is, here’s a refresher (I’ve…
October 3, 2016In “Beauty”

What I’m Bringing to Japan (Travel Makeup)I’m a very light packer when it concerns makeup during vacation. I’ve learned over the years that I end up not using at least half of what I pack when I give myself too numerous options. While on holidays, I essentially stick to one makeup look.  Here’s my makeup…
May 19, 2016In “Beauty”

Projekt Pan 12 Collab: Efterår 2016 EditionHappy Labor Day! Håber du nyder den lange weekend! Og velkommen til en anden collar med canuck banden! We are once again, trying to chip away at some charm products in our stash. Denne gang vælger vi 12 ting at forsøge at panorere / tomme. Længden af ​​denne …
5. september 2016in “skønhed”

Japan makeup buying listing

As you may know, I’m leaving soon for a 2 week holiday to Japan! You people can’t even picture the enjoyment of preparing a buying listing for freakin’ Japan!

Before Korean cosmetics took the world by storm, Japanese makeup was the primary Oriental makeup game in town. I keep in mind pouring over on the internet resources to discover about the different Japanese brands as well as subsidiaries (Kanebo, Shiseido, Kose as well as Sana own the lion’s share of brands – Shiseido has so lots of sub-brands, it’s difficult to keep them straight), and putting lots of orders on the internet for Japanese cosmetics. Now, I lastly get to see this stuff firsthand!

Feature picture source

I’m not going to listing out all the certain products I plan to buy, since I don’t truly understand yet! however I’ll listing out stores, brands as well as products that I’ll be on the look out for:


Our hotel in Tokyo is in the Shinjuku area which is understood for one thing: shopping!  So we’ll be ideal in the heart of all the major Japanese department stores. The other major area for buying is in Shibuya which we’ll likewise visit. right here are some stores I will be making a point to stop into:

• Ainz&Tulpe – this is a appeal store similar to Sephora or Ulta. The Shinjuku place is relatively new as well as obviously rather spectacular.

• @cosmestore – one more shop that focuses only on beauty, they have some standalone stores however also shop-in-shops, inside Lumine as well as Marui department stores.
• Isetan – I heard on IG that this store’s service is top notch! They bring three as well as RMK.
• Odakyu – brings RMK, SK-II, Shu Uemura, Suqqu, Paul & Joe

• Drugstores: Matsumoto KiYoshi, Seijo, HAC – however I’ll mainly be hanging out at these locations considering that I’m not going to go crazy with high-end makeup. I personally believe that the high quality of Japanese drugstore products are method much better than what we get right here in the West.

• Daiso – this is the Japanese version of a dollar store (or 100 yen store, ¥100 is approx $1.20 CAD). For a inexpensive store, they offer well designed, respectable high quality variety of house ware, cosmetics as well as stationary. I’ve been to 3 Daiso stores so far: Vancouver, San Fran as well as Hong Kong. now I get to go to the mom ship!

• Don Quijote – speaking of cheap, I want to inspect out this self proclaimed “Palace of extreme Cheapness”. They offer all type of whacky stuff as well as I checked out that you can get a pack of 7 masks for less than $4 CAD!
• Muji – even though we do now have Muji in Toronto, it doesn’t bring the full variety of products. I’ve checked out Muji in Hong Kong as well as they bring colour cosmetics. There isn’t anything in specific that I’m seeking out however I will likely pick up at least ONE thing!

• Uniqlo – Not makeup however clothing; this is the Japanese version of the Gap! I’ve been to the Uniqlo store in Hong Kong as well as stocked up on great deals of basics. obviously this brand will be pertaining to Toronto as well.

• Tokyu Hands – likewise not makeup – this is like the Japanese version of a Michaels craft as well as pastime store! I question exactly how much yarn as well as beads I can cram into my suitcase?


There are so lots of cosmetics brands in Japan, it’s type of difficult to keep track of them all! I discover the general high quality of Japan-made makeup to be truly high, so it generally boils down to packaging as well as colour selection.


• Visée, InteGrate and Media – I don’t understand much about these brands except that they’re subs of Kose, Shiseido as well as Kanebo respectively, as well as rather affordable. I will make a point of getting at least one product from each brand – I’ve heard Visée eye shadows are good.

• Lavshuca – is one more sub-brand of Kanebo . I own an eyeshadow quad from them which expense me less thatn $10 as well as I truly like the quality.
• KATE – I’ve tried a few things from this brand as well as the standout product has been their stick concealer. I truly like the basic packaging (reminds me of Bobbi Brown) as well as general product quality. I want to try a lipstick next.
• Majolica Majorca – drugstore brand had by Shiseido. They have princess-y packaging as well as I own eye shadows from the brand already. They likewise make fantastic mascaras. Not sure what I’d want from this brand however I understand I will absolutely discover something.

• CanMake – this is a bit bit as well cutesy for my liking – a lot of of their products are sparkly. Their blushers with the bit puffs are wonderful looking as well as I’ve heard their cream blushers are cult favourites. I’ll see if I’m in the mood for incredibly girly stuff.
• Dolly Wink – this brand is understood for their liners. I’ve tried the liquid liner as well as wasn’t as well pleased (it was watery as well as wasn’t that long wearing) so I may pass on this.

Mid range:

• Maquillage – Min gamle HG Lash Curler var fra Maquillage – det er en mere Shiseido undermærke – men jeg har ikke prøvet noget andet fra dem, så jeg er nysgerrig efter at se, hvad de ellers tilbyder, måske en læbestift (baseret på anmeldelser, Jeg tror på, at deres bemærkelsesværdige smeltende rouge ligner Shiseido Best Rouge Lipstick).
• Coffret D’Or – Jeg forstår ikke, hvorfor jeg imidlertid skriver svar på dette mærke med gammel kvinde (som Elizabeth Arden). En stor del af deres emballage har bling på den.

• Esprique, Etusais og Lunasol – Jeg forstår ikke meget om disse mærker, enten medmindre de har ganske emballage såvel som normalt er godt undersøgt online. Lunasol minder mig om Clarins såvel som Ettusais er en smule klinik-esque. Jeg synes at ignorere mid-range japanske mærker af en eller anden grund.

High END:

• Shu Uemura såvel som Paul & Joe – jeg brugte virkelig at blive forbrugt med Shu Uemura, men i betragtning af at det er så let tilbydes her, vil jeg sandsynligvis ikke søge det. Medmindre der er nogle Japan-eksklusive genstande. nøjagtigt samme med P & J.
• Jill Stuart – Jeg forstår ikke rigtig, hvorfor dette amerikanske mærke er så fremtrædende i Japan, men i det væsentlige har ingen eksistens i Nordamerika (slags ligner Anna Sui i denne henseende). Hendes emballage er lunefuld, men de indeholder et stort omkostningsmærke. Jeg er ikke rigtig trukket til æstetikken af ​​linjen, men jeg vil tage en gander, hvis jeg kommer på tværs af det.

• afhængighed – der er en øjenskygge, der har været på mit ønske om listing i år, kaldet Flash Back (# 69). Jeg skylder bare det for mig selv at endelig få det allerede.
• Suqqu – Ah, det yderste i high-end som fremtrædende af Lisa Eldridge. En øjenskygge quad koster ¥ 8.800, som i øjeblikket konverteringsfrekvens er $ 105 CAD. For at sætte det i perspektiv koster en Tom Ford Quad $ 80 USD, hvilket er ca. $ 100 CAD. Den populære kind ren er ¥ 16.200 (~ $ 190 CAD)

• Tre – det er noget mere overkommeligt end Suqqu (en quad er ~ $ 70 CAD) – Jeg vil sandsynligvis ikke få noget fra dette mærke, jeg vil bare se på deres tæller.
• RMK – minder mig om Shu Uemura dog meget dyrere. En læbestift er ~ $ 50

Jeg har hovedsagelig ydet farve makeup mærker – der er ligeledes tonsvis af mærker, der fokuserer på hudpleje som Allie, Sekdomei, Sofina, SK-II, ANESSA, ALBOY, DHC, HABA, ROHTO, FANCL …! Ahhh … Head Explode. Men jeg tror på, at jeg sandsynligvis ikke vil få meget hudpleje i betragtning af at de er tungere at trække tilbage, så godt som jeg kan købe dem på internettet i stedet.


For mig er der 4 afgørende appelprodukter, som jeg føler, at japanskerne gør meget bedre end nogen andre andre:

1) børster – ah landet af smukke håndlavede børster … Hakuhodo, Chikuhodo, Koyudo, Suqqu … Prøv såvel som stop mig fra at få en makeup ren i Japan, jeg forsøger dig! (Og det kan få Spendy … en suqququen er ikke helt ude af spørgsmålet! Jeg gør alt min japanske rene forskningsundersøgelse på denne blog.)
2) Facial solcreme – begrebet en lang slid, ikke-fedtet, ikke-pasty ansigts solcreme stammer fra Japan. Jeg overvejer: Allie Yderligere UV Gel Mineral Damp Neo SPF 50+, ANESSA BEST UV AQUA BOOSTER, BIORE UV BEST BRIGHT MILK ELLER SKIGAISEN YOHOU UV CREAM 4+
3) Pen Liquid Liners – De har markedet hjørnet med vandtætte, Budge-sikre flydende liners. Jeg har prøvet snarere et par japanske flydende liners, såvel som det er kommet til det punkt, at jeg kun vil bære liners lavet i Japan. Jeg tænker på at forsøge at integrere Feline look flydende liner, som tilbydes i mørkebrune!
4) Mascaras – Disse er hardcore curling såvel som ikke-budging mascaras, der beskæftiger sig med den knogle lige, længde udfordrede orientalske vipper. Jeg tænker på heltinde Mærke af Kiss Me Volume & Curl, Long & Curl eller Canmake Gokubuto Mascara. Undersøg denne detaljerede vejledning!

Jeg er 100% Valg af en børste, en solcreme, en flydende liner samt en mascara!

Ved ingen indikerer er dette en udtømmende notering – de af jer, der har tjekket ud Japan før eller oplever om japansk kosmetik – har du nogen form for forslag til mig?

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Japansk makeup haul !!! Ja, du ventede på dette, var du ikke! : P Personligt troede jeg ikke, at jeg gik helt overbord med Makeup Shopping. For en ting var jeg yderst ivrig efter at vandre rundt tokyo om natten af ​​mig selv for at shoppe. Hvorfor jeg måtte købe om aftenen var fordi …
17. juni 2016in “Skønhed”

Japansk makeup shopping: min oplevelseestoday, jeg vil gå over et par af mine observationer samt erfaringer med at købe til makeup i Japan. Ideelt vil dette hjælpe nogen til rådighed, der kan tage en tur til Japan. allerførste ting. Der er sådan. MANGE. Mærker. Det er overvældende! I en typisk canadisk apotek kan der være omkring 8 nøgle …
20. juni 2016in “skønhed”

September 2016 Low-Buy Acountabilityi tog beslutning om ikke at gøre en skraldespand (tømmer) offentliggør i september i betragtning af at jeg er så backlogged med artikler, men jeg vil absolut fange i min ansvarlighed for måneden. Lige her er et par af de produkter, der blev tilføjet til min stash: at opdatere, for september måned, jeg …
7. oktober 2016in “Skønhed”

Saje sensitive Elixir Calming Skin Serum

This post is really a combo 3-in-1 evaluation featuring 3 products:
• Saje sensitive Elixir Calming Skin Serum – $19.95 CAD for 30ml
• Paula’s option withstand C15 very Booster – $48 USD for 20ml
• Josie Maran Pure Argan Milk – $70 CAD for 30ml (mine is a 5ml sample that I got as part of a 500pt perk from Sephora – my bit sample is worth $11.67!)

But, it’s primarily about the Saje Serum since I noted it in my recent favourites post.

I like me some oil serums. In the past I utilized Clarins Lotus deal with treatment Oil, Josie Maran Argan oil, as well as directly up argan oil from the health and wellness food store. I chose to take a possibility on this serum when I was at Saje to purchase the deodorant. I’m so delighted I provided this a try, since for me, it rivals the Clarins oil (which retails for $50)!

First, the texture. It’s a silky lightweight oil. The base oil is one of my all time favourites to assist sooth as well as heal skin – rosehip oil. The components listing is very little as well as doesn’t include any type of fillers:

rosa canina (rosehip) fruit oil, vitis vinifera (grape) seed oil, oenothera biennis (evening primrose) oil, as well as necessary oils of pelargonium graveolens (geranium), aniba rosaeodora (rosewood), anthemis nobilis (roman chamomile) flower as well as lavandula angustifolia (lavender)

Second, the smell. It’s a health spa type smell, if that explains anything. I asked the SA what the odor was – she stated it’s primarily the rosewood oil. It’s not offensive or overpowering – extremely calming as well as earthy. I can’t get sufficient of it!

Let’s back up for a second, the Saje offers this blurb as the essential features as well as benefits:
Sensitive Elixir assists to restructure delicate, sensitive skin that is typically dry as well as quickly irritated. sensitive skin is thin, as well as for that reason has the blood supply better to the surface, which commonly shows the capillaries as well as blood vessels. Skin-rejuvenating oils of rosehip, grape seed, apricot, as well as evening primrose are infused with skin-nourishing geranium, rosewood, roman chamomile as well as lavender necessary oils to regenerate the skin. massage sensitive Elixir into freshly-cleansed as well as toned skin to nourish as well as boost blood circulation.

Interesting, I’ve been told by my esthetician that I have thin skin, thus why I shouldn’t utilize any type of severe physical exfoliants on my face.  I have combination skin as well as this doesn’t clog my pores or cause any type of breakouts.  I utilize this serum 2 to 3 times a week.  How I utilize this is dispense about 4 drops onto the palm of my hands:

Then, I add 3 drops of the Paula’s option C15 Booster to the Saje serum where they make a serum concoction that appears like an egg with the C15 Booster as the egg yolk:

Why I utilize the PC C15 Booster in conjunction with the Saje: the PC Booster alone smells like cooked red meat. I understand that’s a extremely particular description, however that’s what it reminds me of! I believe it’s because of the Ferulic Acid as well as is a typical comment from individuals of this serum. I don’t want odor like I slathered hamburger onto my face…  But, the PC Booster is fantastic for brightening the skin tone as well as decreasing brown spots.

I mix up the 2 by lightly scrubing my palms together as well as patting onto my face: cheeks, forehead, center of deal with as well as then neck. I likewise inhale deeply while I’m applying this – the aromatherapy element of this Saje oil is a good extra benefit. I only utilize this serum in the evenings as well as lavender oil assists to prepare me for sleep. as well as the result? Fantastiske! My skin is radiant and remove in the morning.

Now I’m sneaking in the Josie Maran Pure Argan Milk into this evaluation since it’s my blog, dammit! I didn’t feel it warrants its own entry however it is worthy of a mention while I’m talking about oil serums. I’m on the fence about this strange serum / milk thingy:

The component listing is short as well however includes stuff that don’t seem all that essential: Aqua (Water)** (and) Argania Spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil* (and) Propanediol** (and) Glyceryl Caprylate** (and) Glyceryl Undecylenate** (and) Phosphatidylglycerol** (and) Sodium Benzoate** (and) Xanthan Gum** (and) Citric Acid** (*ORGANIC **NATURAL)

The serum appears like a lumpy milky oil (I even shook the bottle for a full minute to mix it!):

It looks extremely unappealing to apply to the face, however it feels extremely light on the skin as well as offers a good hydration. I like it, however don’t like it.  My primary gripe is exactly how expensive it is! $70 for 30ml? I can purchase 3.5 bottles of the Saje for that price! And I get similar results with the Saje serum so I don’t feel the requirement to splurge on the Josie Maran.  Here’s exactly how I rate the Saje Sensitive Elixir Calming Skin Serum:

• full af hud nyder ingredienser
• lugter som en spa
• Hydrater såvel som beskytter huden
• beroliger hud såvel som ikke irriterer
• Tager hurtigt ind i huden
• Lavpris sammenlignet med andre serum

• efterlader huden skinnende
• Dropper fungerer ikke godt

Stash Worthiness: 9/10

Har du prøvet noget fra Saje? Er du en olie serum fan?

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Omnipotent Oilsi’ve omfavnede udnyttelse af olier til næsten alle dele af min krop – fra hoved til tå – i nogle år nu. Jeg brugte olier metode før denne hele argan olie raseri, lad mig fortælle dig! Før Argan Oil var let tilgængelig, var jeg rutinemæssigt brug af rosehipolie på min aftale med (jeg stadig …
13. april 2015in “Skønhed”

Affaldstash: Juli 2016IT er en ferie lige her i dag. Det er netop kaldet en borgerlig ferie, men det indebærer varierer afhængigt af hvor du online i Canada. I BC kaldes det British Columbia Day, i Alberta det hedder Heritage Day … Yderst specifikt, i byen Toronto, det er Simcoe Day. Simcoe Day er opkaldt efter John …
1. august 2016in “skønhed”

Saje Natural Wellness Facial Wistsi har for nylig fundet det canadiske mærke Saje, som tilbyder produkter, der fremmer naturligt wellness. Jeg havde aldrig hørt om mærket op, indtil jeg stødte på det på sit nye sted inde i Toronto Eaton Center. Selvom hovedfokus i butikken er på deres nødvendige olier såvel som aromaterapi, blev jeg straks trukket …
19. oktober 2015in “Skønhed”

Foundation mixology

because I’m guilty of purchasing new foundations instead of using up my current open bottle(s), typically I have at least 12 different ones on the go.  Some of them are better suited for the summer, while others are only used during the winter season months.  My skin tone often straddle between light and medium shades, so I typically mix 2 different shades to get a suitable colour match.   In addition, mixing different foundation formulas helps to get a finish that works better for my combination skin type.

Typically, I like to mix foundations to both colour match and improve on the formulations to my liking.

Here are some of my tried-and-true foundation mixes:

The Body Shop Extra Virgin Minerals liquid foundation in #108 golden Ivory – $25 for 28 ml (this item is no longer available in Canada)

Vichy Aera Teint Pure fluid foundation in 23 Ivory – $28 for 30ml (it’s nearly impossible to find information about this online but it’s readily available at drugstores in Canada)

The Body shop foundation in #108 was the lightest shade they provided that wasn’t pink toned. On me, this foundation is very yellow (almost ochre) and too dark. The formula is good though – an emollient liquid with a dewy finish. The shade could work if I was self-tanned in the summer months, but the formula was better suited for winter season time. This is where the Vichy foundation comes in. The Vichy foundation in #23 works well on its own for my winter season skin, however, its is a bit drying on its own. Mixed together, this concoction is ideal all year round.  I get a good shade match, and a medium coverage foundation with a satin finish.

Bourjois Mineral Matte Mousse foundation in 83 Sable – $26 for 18 ml (got this on clearance, this item is now discontinued)

Revlon PhotoReady Airbrush Mousse makeup in #003 Nude – $12 for 39.7g

Alone, each of these foundations are a disaster.  The shade of the Bourjois is too yellow and dark on me.  The mousse texture was also quite thick, and somewhat challenging to blend into the skin.  The Revlon mousse dispenses through a foaming aerosol can that creates a frothy cloud of foundation that has visible glitter.  The shade nude is also slightly ashy on me.  However, when I mix these 2 foundations together, they seem to cancel out each other’s bad parts and I’m left with a somewhat glowy foundation that lasts very well on my skin.

Maybelline instant Age Rewind Eraser treatment Makeup in #260 Buff – $16 for 20ml

Sephora perfection mist Airbrush foundation in fair – $31 for 53g

I purchased the Maybelline foundation with the objective of mixing it with other foundations or using as a contour because I knew that the colour was way too dark for me (this was the only shade in the clearance bin and I really wanted to try it because I love the corresponding concealer so much).  There’s nothing bad about the formula – it’s got a lot of silicone in it so it’s quite slippery to blend – maybe a little too slick.  The Sephora airbrush foundation was a “Youtube made me purchase it” item – after seeing numerous rave videos, my curiosity got the better of me.  I really like the formula, however, the shade is a touch too light for me (although, I think the next shade up “Light”, would have been too orange on me).  And let’s be honest, it’s not really an airbrush foundation – it dispenses through an aerosol can, but there is no way to spray this directly onto my face to create an airbrushed look.  The best way to apply this is spray onto the palm of your hand, then use either a brush or a sponge to apply to the face.

• There are no guidelines for mixing foundations (most of these were trial and error), but a essential element in success is to first make sure both formulas are either water based or oil based – mixing a water with an oil based liquid will result in foundation separation and pilling (little bits rolling off the skin when rubbed).
• in some cases I pre-mix the foundations in the palm of my hand before applying to my face, in some cases I just dab dots of each straight onto my face and blend (pro-tip: apply the darker colour at the perimeter of the face and concentrate the lighter shade in the center to do a contour / highlight).
• I don’t always mix 50/50 of each foundation – I just eyeball the mixture ratio depending on what kind of finish I’m aiming for.  Another bonus, depending of the time of year and how pale or tanned I am, I can customize my shade by adjusting the mixture ratio.

Do you ever mix your foundations to get the best colour or finish?

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Foundation and Concealer Purge of 2016This has been a long time kommer. Jeg har lige brug for at sætte lidt tid til side og være i det bedste humør for at være stor om at slippe af med nogle ting fra min stash. I nogle tilfælde føler jeg mig lidt knyttet til varer på grund af nostalgi, og jeg snakker mig selv til at holde …
16. februar 2016in “Skønhed”

Mac Face & Body vs Mufe Face & StodThis Post Kicks Off “Sammenligning uge” her på bloggen! Jeg vil sammenligne en flok produkter, der viser forskelle og ligheder, og måske endda uendelige nogle dupes! I dag sammenligner jeg 2 fonde med samme navn: Mac Face & Body og gøre op for evigt ansigt og krop. At have det samme …
24. august 2015in “Skønhed”

Maybelline Superstay Better Skin Foundationarlier I år, da jeg bad om forslag til, hvad jeg skulle indløse for under den optimale pointsindløsningshændelse, var Maybelline Superstay bedre hudfond en anbefaling af Kazzmarie. Jeg valgte oprindeligt skyggen 20 klassisk elfenben, men så var jeg bekymret for det var for lys, så jeg udvekslede det …
17. august 2016in “Skønhed”

Min Mac Ekstra Dimension Collection

Jeg nævnte et stykke tid tilbage, at jeg elsker den daværende, stadig begrænsede udgave Mac yderligere dimension, såvel som jeg var super begejstret, da det blev meddelt, at de gjorde det permanent. I dag springer jeg min samling af yderligere dimensionelementer, som omfatter øjenskygger, såvel som rødme samt en bronzer:

Ekstra dimension Formel er beskrevet som en “flydende pulverhybrid” med de fleste øjenskygger, der har en skinnende overflade – nogle har mere indlysende glitter eller frost. De kan bruges tørre eller våde til højere intensitet, men jeg har aldrig brugt dem våde – jeg bliver nødt til at prøve det til sidst. Slidt tør, jeg opdager dem for at være usædvanligt pigmenteret såvel som glat (alle mine farveprøver er gjort tørre).

Min samling af yderligere dimensionelle varer blev købt over programmet på 3 år, begyndende med lanceringen af ​​denne overflade i 2012, blot kaldet “i yderligere dimension”.

Øjenskygger: Jeg ejer 12 ekstra dimension øjenskygger såvel som jeg vil vise dem her i kronologisk rækkefølge, hvor disse blev frigivet, såvel som jeg vil indikere de nuancer, der har gjort det til den permanente samling med en stjerne. Alle farvebeskrivelser taget fra Macs officielle lanceringsnotater.

I yderligere dimension 2012 (Original Collection – Pans er større med 2 g produkt vs 1.3g senere)

Rich Core * – Filthy Aubergine
Grand Galaxy * – Filthy mid-tone violet
Havana * – Filthy Copper Brown

Glamour Daze 2012.

Klar til fest * – Pale Lilac
En naturlig flirt * – iriserende lyserød
Stolet øjeblik * – Mørk Taupe

[Mac udgav en 2. “i yderligere dimension” samling i foråret 2013, men jeg var “god” såvel som ikke købte nogen form for fra denne samling. Kun røget mauve fra den samling gjorde det til det permanente udvalg, såvel som det er en skygge, som jeg er interesseret i at få til sidst! Ooooh men jeg ville ønske, at jeg havde købt nogle af de rødmer fra den samling!]

Magnetic Nude 2013.

Sølv daggry * – beskidte grå mauve

Alluring Aquatics 2014.

Lorelei – Golden Beige
Havudstyr * – tarnished Olive

Ferie Keepsakes Eye Kits 2014

Bare skinnende – Peachy Nude
Stolet øjeblik * – Dark Taupe (duplikat) – Jeg inkluderede den oprindelige 2012-version for at se, hvordan de sammenligner side om side (smuk spot-on!)

Her er nogle sammenligninger af emballagen mellem de forskellige samlinger:

De er alle lavet i Italien:

Sammenligning af de brune og taupe-y nuancer:

Mine favoritter er: Stolet øjeblik, Havana, Lorelei samt Silver Dawn.

Blushes / Bronzer: Jeg ejer 2 rødmer såvel som 1 bronzer i den ekstra dimension overflade – de er ikke så skinnende som øjenskyggerne, mere af en satinoverflade, men meget glat såvel som nem at blande. Disse blev ikke gjort permanent, men jeg håber MAC vil en dag! Clinique-kindens popblåser minder mig om denne finish.

Magnetic Nude 2013.
Autoerotique – Filthy Coral Rose

Alluring Aquatics 2014.
Hav mig, hør mig – beige pink
Aphrodite’s Shell – Golden Bronze med et strejf af Fine Shimmer

Da jeg redigerede swatch-billedet, troede jeg, at jeg havde vendt Autoerotique og Sea Me, hør mig, så jeg swtached dem, men nej, det er korrekt. Begge nuancer gælder helt på en anden måde i forhold til Pan Color – Autoerotique er mere pink, mens Sea Me, høre mig, er meget mere nøgen / varm.

Mine top 2 øjenskygge nuancer til at købe fra det faste rækkevidde er sød varme (blødt fersken pink) samt smokey mauve (pinkish dæmpet mauve).

Du? Er du en fan af Mac yderligere dimensionen finish?

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MAC additional dimension Eyeshadow will be PERMANENT!I just saw on Allura charm that MAC is making the additional dimension Eyeshadows permanent! Du kan huske fra mine top 10 Mac Eye Shadows Post, som jeg elsker denne formel såvel som en af ​​nuancerne i min top 10 er en yderligere dimensionsformel. I won’t regurgitate Allura Beauty’s…
28. april 2015in “skønhed”

Min top 10 Mac Eye ShadowsThis er et populært YouTube-emne, så godt som jeg kan forstå hvorfor. Mac er en meget tilgængelig linje, der er lidt af en “gateway” makeup mærke til mange mennesker, selv inkluderet. MAC offers high quality cosmetics in a wide variety of colours and finishes, at a reasonable price point (compared to department store…
March 4, 2015In “Beauty”

The Eye shadow TagImmediately after I did The Lipstick Tag, I thought – hey, why isn’t there an Eye shadow Tag?  I’m not really a lipstick girl, however I love me some eye shadows!  I’ve seen a perfect palette tag on YouTube however I’m not really a palette gal either, so I decided…
May 28, 2015In “Beauty”

Muji Skincare Giveaway Winner!

Det er alle behandler i aften, ingen tricks!

En joke fra den nyeste podcast episode. Kilde.
Og mesteren i Muji Skincare Giveaway er:

Tillykke med Kristy af HippyLip !!!

Her er hvad hun vil modtage:

Og et par ekstra bits.

Nyd dine godbidder, Kristy! Jeg kontakter dig for forsendelsesoplysninger.

Takket være alle, der kom ind!

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Muji hudpleje [+ giveaway!] [Denne giveaway er lukket] Du forstår sandsynligvis, at jeg allerede kan lide Muji hudplejeprodukterne, som jeg har prøvet, så jeg var helt i mit aspekt på den nyeste Muji Canada åbent hjem, som var at fremvise deres hudpleje. Ligesom tidligere Muji Open Home Sessions var det en lille …
18. oktober 2016in “Skønhed”

Stash Dash: 23 oktober – 29, er det i slutningen af ​​oktober allerede!?! : o såvel som i morgen er Halloween! Her er hvad der gik ned på bloggen i sidste uge: Job Pan: Lancôme Khol i lignende øjenliner i chokolade affære Jeg sammenligner ligeledes en masse brune øjenlinier. Nordstrom Toronto Charm Department – Meget første indtryk …
30. oktober 2016in “Skønhed”

Muji at gå Giveaway vinder! Det er min fødselsdag i dag! : D (Jeg vil gerne ønske min fødselsdag-tvilling, joyce af regional kvinde udenlandsk land, en yderst tilfreds fødselsdag!) Samt det er meget bedre at give end at modtage, så hvorfor ikke i dag at afsløre Muji-mesteren til GO GIVEAWAY – Mesteren er: såvel som her er præcis, hvordan jeg …
11. juli 2016in “Skønhed”