Archives July 2022

Trash Stash: September 2015

This month I seem to have finished up the core components of my face skincare products all at the same time – so odd how that happens.

The sense of accomplishment in finishing up products never gets old!

The Body Shop Vitamin E moisture Serum – $23 for 30ml (Body shop in store & online)
This lightweight serum includes glycerin, honey, and rice bran oil. I found it a bit watery and didn’t offer a long lasting hydration – my face felt less plump compared to other serums I’ve used. I reserved this for summer months during the day time due to this reason – this might be a good serum for oilier skin types. I do like that this package is in a vacuum pump but it’s visible through the bottle so you can see how much product is left.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Physician’s formula Anti Aging Laser Resurfacing Serum with 2.4 AHA – $21.95 for 30ml (drugstores & online)
This is a gentle chemical exfoliant that uses lactic acid, and can be used nightly under night cream.  I apply this lightweight gel lotion to cleansed face underneath my regular nighttime moisturizer – it makes my skin soft and glowy.  There’s also vitamin C and peptides in the concoction – it has quite a distinct fragrance but it isn’t offensive (I can’t place the smell but my first thought was Play-Doh).  I purchased this on clearance at 50% off – I don’t think this product is being discontinued but I think my local Rexall was just making space for other products.  So I grabbed 2.  I started this bottle in February and used it about 3 times a week.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes

Shiseido Ibuki Refining moisturizer – $52 for 75ml (department stores & online)
I discussed this item in my Shiseido skincare post and out of love / like / Loath categories, it was noted in “Like” – this is a terrific lightweight daytime moisturizer that I especially like for the summer months. The main issue I take with this is the fragrance – Shiseido really needs to dial that down on many of their products.  I noted on the bottle that I cracked this open in April so it lasted me a solid 6 months, not bad really when I calculate out a per month cost of $8.67. I spend much more on food on a daily basis!
Stash worthiness: 8/10     Repurchase: Yes

Lise Watier HydraSmart Gel-Crème Hydration 3D – $18 for 30ml (Shoppers drug Mart & online)
Another tube bites the dust! I like this pill-y gel cream less and less as I struggled to use this 2nd tube up… but guess what? I discovered another unopened tube in my stash!  I promise someone is playing a cruel joke on me.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Reversa Cleansing Micellar service – $23 for 300ml (drugstores & online)
I picked this up purely out of curiosity – it was on sale and a Canadian brand – and was so amazed with it! It’s bumped Bioderma off the 3rd spot for my preferred micellar waters (#1 Yves Rocher, #2 Claudalie, #3 Reversa). I use this after oil cleansing to remove all traces of makeup (especially from the neck and hairline area that might be much more challenging to rinse off), and it is effective yet gentle. It also leaves my skin SO soft. It includes lotus root water which is expected to be soothing.  I’ll be reusing this pump bottle for my other micellar waters.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes

Yves Rocher second Skin effect foundation in beige 200 – $25 for 30ml
This is an simple and easy lightweight foundation that blends perfectly onto my skin using just fingers. I love this foundation. and you know what that means, right? Yup, they discontinue it. Ugh. Last year I stocked up on a few backup bottles from the clearance table but only managed to snag one bottle in my appropriate shade – I got a couple in the next shade up for mixing. YR does have a new lightweight foundation to replace this – I have yet to try it (I received a sample) but the packaging is much bulkier (I love how compact and portable this bottle is!)… and I’m not so sure about that “luminous” business.
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: No (discontinued)

Neutrogena Ultra sheer dry Touch sunscreen SPF 110 – $16 for 88ml (drugstores & online)
This is a wonderful body sunscreen – I didn’t even know that they’re allowed to claim SPF that high! It applies nicely – not too greasy or too much of a white cast. This is strictly for body usage though, it’s much too heavy for the face. We took this on holiday with us (hence the battered looking bottle) and it worked amazingly during our hikes – no burns at all.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes

Shiseido sun protection Eye cream SPF 32 – $38 for 15ml (department stores & online)
I finally used up this tube – toward the end I cheated a little and applied this not only as an eye cream but all over my face. The 2nd tube shown isn’t empty but is being tossed away because it has expired because Oct 2014 so I don’t want to risk it. This is a good, non-greasy eye cream that contains SPF in the form of zinc oxide (9.3%)and octinoxate (4.9%). It’s firstly challenging to find eye cream with SPF at all, and even much more challenging to find one with mineral sunscreen (although it’s not a pure mineral as octinoxate is a chemical sunscreen). this one layered well under makeup but I’m undecided if I will repurchase this because I think I can just use my normal mineral face sunscreen under my eye area going forward.
Stash worthiness: 8/10     Repurchase: Maybe

CoverGirl LashBlast volume – $10 (drugstores)
Not much to say about my HG mascara. I consider it HG worthy when people compliment me on what I perceive to be one of my weakest features! It’s volumizing, lengthening, doesn’t flake, doesn’t smudge, easy to apply and to remove, but water resistant. just magical!
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: Yes

Lise Watier Mascara Wow – $24 (Shoppers drug Mart & online)
I received this full size mascara as a gwp so I’m not so bummed that it didn’t work out for me. It applies beautifully but man, it is SO smudgy! I even put a mascara top coat on it and it somehow manages to break through that and cause me raccoon eyes. Also, the wand is SO bendy, similar to that L’Oreal miss Manga mascara – too floppy to apply onto the lashes with making a mess on my lids.
Stash worthiness: 5/10     Repurchase: No

Bath & Body works Waikiki beach Coconut shower Gel – $12.50 for 295ml
Bought this during the $3 for $15 sale. I don’t typically purchase shower gels from BBW but I couldn’t resist my preferred scent of the summer! When I use this in conjunction with the aloe gel lotion, then then layer on the body mist, the smell lasts so long – I love it!
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: No (discontinued – I have one much more in my stash)

Yves Rocher tradition de Hammam Oriental Soap with Argan and Olive Oil (not shown because it’s all used up!) – $17 for a 5.3 oz. / 150 g bar (Yves Rocher online & online)
I did a review of this. While this was a terrific moisturizing soap, it had some negatives: the size of the bar was mammoth – it was really challenging to hold in my hands to lather up (I can’t tell you how numerous times I dropped this in the shower!) Also, the brown dye they put into this soap was so unnecessary – it left brown coloured soap scum on my shower curtain liner and shower tiles (I’m bumping my rating down from my original review for this reason). I’m also disappointed that the scent wasn’t the same as the corresponding shower oil, which was the main reason why I purchased this to begin with.  This bar did last me a long time though – so good value for money.
Stash worthiness: 7/10     Repurchase: No


Lise Watier intense moisture Ultra Firming Day Care – $65 for 50ml (Shoppers drug Mart & online) – I didn’t find this to offer “intense moisture”, just average. I actually used this as a daytime eye cream while on vacation.

Clarins Multi-Active night youth recovery Cream – $62 for 50ml (department stores & online) – I’ve been curious about this cream for ages and it was such a let-down! It’s a run of the mill face cream with an old lady scent – I’d never pay full price for this.  Glad I got to try a sample first!

Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 balancing softener Enriched – $55 for 150ml (department stores & online) – this is the fanciest toner I’ve ever used. and this gwp is in a legit glass bottle! I wouldn’t ever purchase the full size of this – overpriced and too fragranced.

And of course, this month I purged a whole bunch of my makeup!  Here’s a reward photo that my pal took of the makeup re-homing event:

There was red wine and sushi, and a sweetheart in awe of how much makeup was present (not my boyfriend, he knows all too well).

How was September for you in terms of using up items?

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Trash Stash: may & June 2016Happy July 4th to my American friends! hope you’re enjoying the extra day off. We Canadians just came out of a long weekend and are cursing you men best now… 😆 because I missed May’s trash Stash, this is a combined empties post for both months. Hold onto your hats!…
July 4, 2016In “Beauty”

Trash Stash: June and July 2017: part 1 (Skincare and sample / travel Sizes)Since I skipped June’s trash Stash, I’m breaking up this post into 2 parts instead of overwhelming you with a monster post. 😛 Here’s about half of what I used up in the past 2 months: The first part will be solely focused on skincare and sample / travel sizes,…
August 8, 2017In “Beauty”

Papirkurvstash: juni 2015The slutningen af ​​juni markerer det officielle midten af ​​året! I’ve always wondered why it’s “Christmas in July” when it really makes much more sense to be in June! 💡 It was especially satisfying to finish some of these productsDenne måned fordi mange af dem jeg havde brugt i lang tid …
2. juli 2015in “skønhed”

Summertime Skin Fundamentals

Vi har oplevet en af ​​de mest populære somre på rekord lige her i Toronto! Sommer hud til mig betyder: beskyttelse, hydrering såvel som olie kontrol. Lige her er de produkter, jeg har brugt til at hjælpe min hud kamp på sommeren:

Jeg vil gøre små evalueringer på hver af disse, fordi nogle få af dem er relativt nylige overtagelser.

Illamasqua Matte Veil – C $ 55.95
Den oprindelige Hydra Veil er mine foretrukne primere til vintersæsonmånederne, så jeg valgte at give den matte version et forsøg. Denne primer hjælper ikke kun med at glatte min hud samt holde det mat, det lyder på en eller anden måde ikke at suge livet ud af min hud. Jeg kan godt lide den beskyttede emballage med det indre låg – det gjorde, når jeg har en smule ske scoop, men jeg har fordi jeg er fordi fejlplaceret det. Det ser også ud såvel som lugter som jordbær yoghurt!

Clarins UV Plus HP SPF 40 Dag Skærm Tint – C $ 42
Jeg er permanent på en gennemgang for en mineral solcreme, der ikke er overdrevent fedtet eller producerer en spøgelsesvejsstøbning. såvel som jeg tror jeg har opdaget det! Før dette brugte jeg La Roche-Posay anthelios mineral tonede ultra-fluid lotion SPF 50, såvel som selvom jeg først kunne lide det, var det metode samt orange til min hudfarve, såvel som det var bold op på min hud. Klarinerne en bruger virkelig godt, og det er ikke for orange (ok det er en smule orange, men brugbar – se hudbypladsen nedenfor). Det tilføjer lidt meget mere olie til huden, så når jeg bærer dette under mit typiske fundament, bemærker jeg, at jeg får skinnere tidligere. Som bringer mig til næste emne …

Avon Makeup Indstilling Spray – C $ 12
Disse ting er utroligt! Jeg forventede ikke meget af dette, men det hjælper virkelig med at sætte min makeup samt holde udstråling på min hud i bugt. Jeg har prøvet Metropolitan Decay alle nighter spray, men jeg opdager det ikke så godt effektivt. For mig overstiger denne ene UD! Sprøjtedysen på denne flaske er heller ikke god – en fin jævn tåge, der dækker hele deal med et par passerer. De eneste problemer, jeg har, er: 1) Det er fuld af alkohol (3. ingrediens), så jeg vil ikke udnytte dette dagligt. Og 2) flasken er lille, kun 60 ml. Men aldrig betale fuld pris for Avon, jeg har min for kun $ 6.

Mary Kay Charm blotters olieabsorberende lagner – C $ 8,50
Disse er en af ​​mine foretrukne blottingspapirer – de er lavet af linned / papir samt ekstremt effektivt i ridding udstråle på aftalen uden at tilføje enhver form for produkt (jeg er ikke lige så glad for dem med talkum på papir). Samt de er gode store størrelse ark (10 x 7,6cm), så jeg kun kræver et ark pr. Blot. Jeg buste generelt en af ​​disse ud efter frokost (1-2pm-ish) til blot, før jeg pulver mit ansigt. Sammenlignet med andre på markedet, er de heller ikke så godt dyrt. Jeg vælger linned / papirtype blotting papirer over plastik / film type – mine andre foretrukne blotting papirer er fra Shiseido såvel som Boscia.

L.A. Farver presset pulver i beige – C $ 2
Jeg købte dette for $ 20 makeup vanskeligheder såvel som farve mig imponeret! Dette pulver giver god beskyttelse, men hvad jeg kunne lide mange om dette er udstrålingskontrollen. Det er noget pulveriseret, men så længe jeg bruger en let hånd med en fluffy ren til at påføre et tyndt lag, er det fint. Emballagen er ikke den mest holdbare – låget er tilbøjelig til at komme unhinged – men jeg er glad for, at L.A. farver selv generede at tilbyde et spejl inde i låget!

L til r: farveprøver af Illamasqua matte sløret, Clarins UV Plus Day Screen Tint, samt L.A. Colors presset pulver

Clinique Wetness Surge Deal med Spray Thirsty Skin Relief – C $ 29
Selvom sommeren handler om oliekontrol, slutter huden ligeledes farer at blive dehydreret på grund af både varme (udendørs) samt aircondition (indendørs) – det er derfor, jeg kan lide at hydrere ansigtsmiger til sommeren. Jeg valgte dette op i begyndelsen af ​​året på grund af al hype omkring det. Jeg har kun brugt det i et par uger, så godt som jeg er ubeslutsomt, hvis det er fantastisk eller bare godt. Jeg kan godt lide at det omfatter glycerin, der synes at fungere som en hydratiserende base samt en makeup setter. Jeg bruger dette som både et pre-serum-skridt, såvel som at opfriske min makeup. For nu har jeg stadig Sukin Hydrating Mist Toner som min foretrukne ansigts tåge. Jeg vil skrive et meget bedre synspunkt, når jeg har brugt det længere – det er bestemt et godt produkt i det meget mindst!

Jack Black Wetnessapi Lip Balm i Grapefrugt SPF 25 – C $ 10.50
Læber er en af ​​de kropsdele, der bliver forsømt med hensyn til solsikkerhed (en anden er bagsiden af ​​hænderne!) Jeg har søgt høj såvel som lav for læbe produkter med høj SPF, der ikke forlader læberne med en Hvid chalky finish, samt hidtil har Jack Black været den allerbedste mulighed. It’s not my preferred in terms of surface though – to me, the balm just sits on top of my lips as well as feels uncomfortable. It includes lanolin which I may be sensitive to. But I’m prepared to tOlat det i køb for at tilbyde solsikkerhed for mine læber. Dette omfatter også kemiske solcreme (octinoxate 7,5%, Avobenzone 3,0%), jeg har ikke stødt på nogen form for lip solsikkerhed med bare mineral / fysiske solcreme – hvis du er kommet på tværs af nogen, vil jeg gerne vide!

Dette er mine sommerhøjdehøjdefinansieringer – hvad er din?

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Facial Suncreens: Allie Mineral Damp Neo vs Clarins UV Plus HPITs officielt sommertid i dag! Så dette er din årlige peger at bære din solcreme hver eneste dag! Lad os kigge på 2 Facial Suncreens, som jeg for øjeblikket nyder: • Allie UV Mineral Damp Neo SPF 50+ PA ++++ • Clarins UV Plus HP Suncreen Multi-Protection Tint I lys vil jeg gennemgå …
21 juni 2017in “skønhed”

Gradering Skincare Routines – Del 2 Det var uundgåeligt, at efter at jeg offentliggjorde Graderingen Mine Friends ‘Skincare Routine Entry, som mine andre venner også ønskede at have deres rutiner gennemgået. Jeg havde ligeledes en besøgende spurgte mig i kommentarerne til evaluering af hendes hudpleje – hvilket er yderst tillid til hende! Nedenfor er deres selvrapporterede …
11. maj 2015in “skønhed”

Juli Charm Favoritter samt 200 dage uden buyi’ve har aldrig gjort en månedlig favoritter, da jeg bekymrer mig om, at mine valg vil ende med at blive så godt gentagende måneder efter måned, fordi mine favoritter ikke ændrer sig drastisk. Måske vil det ikke være en månedlig affære, men lad os se præcis, hvordan det går. Før jeg kommer til min juli favoritter, vil jeg bare anerkende …
7. august 2015in “Skønhed”

Foundation, Powder, Concealer stock

most people have maybe 1 or 2 foundations (perhaps a winter shade and one for summer), a couple of concealers (under eye dark circles vs covering blemishes), and a face powder.  That’s normal.  Why I have amassed this many foundations / powders / concealers (or as I call them, base products), I have no reason for.  I couldn’t even fit everything I own into one frame so here’s a portion of what I’ll be showing today:

I figure I would just lump all my base products including highlighters and bronzers into one post instead of them separating out.

Remember, this is a no judgement zone.

Foundations / BB creams: I honestly don’t like having so many liquid / cream foundations open all at once.  A bunch of these are already slated for The Purge.

Some notes:
• My colouring: MAC NC25, MUFE 20, Shiseido i20, CoverGirl nude Beige, Guerlain beige Clair, Illamasqua 6.5, Maybelline Buff, Revlon nude – of course, my colour can change within the same brand depending on the formulation (MAC is the worst for this, I find)
• My skin type is combination sensitive with slightly oily t-zone and dehydrated cheeks
• I also have a bunch of mineral powder foundations but I didn’t bother carrying them out – so messy!
• I dislike paying more than $50 for a foundation, hence I don’t own the more popular ones like Marc Jacobs ($69 are you kidding me!) – I will have to suck it up when I buy the Nars luminous one next year though ($59) because I’ve heard so many terrific things about it


• The Anna Sui loose powders are really just for show – I don’t really intend to use them; just look at that packaging! (I’ve also misplaced a compact foundation with a cute strawberry design, it’s somewhere – doh)

Concealers: I just noticed that I’m missing my Clarins concealers in these photos – oops. #toomuchmakeup

Highlighters / bronzers:

My favourites:
• Foundation: Shiseido sheer & Perfect
• Powder: Cargo Blu_Ray
• Concealers: Maybelline Age Rewind (under eye), Revlon PhotoReady (redness)
• Highlighter: Guerlain Météorites in Teint Beige
• Bronzer: Lancaster infinite Bronze Kaleidoscope

Unopened / Back Ups:

• Not really sure why I’ve selected not to open the loose powders from e.l.f. or Nars since they don’t go bad once opened, but I guess I was trying to be diligent in finishing up my Laura Mercier and MAC ones first

In summary, I own (opened and unopened):
• 40 foundations / BB creams
• 31 Powders
• 32 Concealers
• 11 Highlighters
• 13 Bronzers

This concludes my “stash” series for now. I have a few more smaller classifications like eyeliners and mascaras but they’re less interesting to post.

What are your favourite base products? any questions about any of the products shown, please leave them in a comment below!

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Foundation and Concealer Purge of 2016 Dette har været lang tid. I just needed to set some time aside and be in the right mood to be serious about getting rid of some items from my stash. sometimes I feel a bit attached to items due to nostalgia and I talk myself into keeping…
16. februar 2016in “Skønhed”

Foundation Application methods (+ Tools)It’s been nice reading everyone’s joyful holiday posts but this year I just don’t seem to have anything Christmas-y to contribute. I feel like I’ve covered all the Christmas topics in years past – if you’re wanting some joyful posts from me, have a read through my Blogmas posts from…
December 20, 2017In “Beauty”

What I’m Bringing to Japan (Travel Makeup)I’m a very light packer when it comes to makeup during vacation. I’ve discovered throughout the years that I end up not using at least half of what I pack when I give myself too many options. Mens jeg er på ferie, holder jeg i det væsentlige til en makeup look. Her er min makeup …
19. maj 2016in “skønhed”

PANTONE COLOR (S) af året: Øget kvarts og sindsro

To farver blev afsløret i år!

Rose Quartz (Pantone 13-1520) og Serenity (Pantone 15-3919)

Interessant nok er dette det allerførste år Pantone har valgt 2 farver, såvel som begge farver tilbyder et hold af muligheder i kosmetikverdenen. Jeg kan forestille mig en smuk rødme kombination med forskellige øgede kvarts-ish nuancer, såvel som sindsro ville gøre dejlige øjne såvel som negleprodukter. I en af ​​mine TBT-indlæg gættede jeg, at Pantone kan vælge enten en gul eller en blå. Jeg fik 50% rigtigt!

Læs mere fra Pantone såvel som WWD.

Hvad er dine tanker om årets 2016 Pantone-farver?

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TBT: Sephora + Pantone 2012 Årets farve – Tangerine Tangothis Kast tilbage torsdag går ikke tilbage så godt, men det har farven orange, der passer til Halloween, der kommer op. For kun 3 år siden samarbejdede Sephora med Pantone (Universal Color Authority) for at fremme årets farve. I 2012 var farven Tangerine Tango: Det er en dyb …
29. oktober 2015in “Skønhed”

Collective Nail Polish Acquisitionsas Du har set i gårsdagens indlæg, jeg har ramt alle vindere såvel som marshalls inden for en 10 km radius i mit hus i sidste måned. Jeg besøgte også min favorit salon forsyning butik, der tilbyder polishes for overkommelige – de havde stadig essien køb 4 få 2 gratis tilbud og …
5. februar 2016in “skønhed”

Blogmas Day 1: Red & Greentoday Jeg er begejstret for at afsløre lanceringen af ​​mine allerførste nogensinde blogmas! Ingrid af Curly.Spring.blossom kom op med dette koncept såvel som spurgt, om jeg ville være interesseret! Så, Ingrid, Kaily af Hello Kaily, Sharon of Sharon Beauty Prime og mig selv (vi ringer os selv Babes i Blogland) vil sende 25 på hinanden følgende dage for feriesæsonen. Vores blogmas vil være …
1. december 2015in “skønhed”

Lørdag Surfing, 5. marts, 2022!

min makeup vibe fra sent!
Hej, fyre! god morgen. Kort og sød lørdag surfing i dag, fordi Connors fødselsdagsfest er i eftermiddag, og på trods af min bedste indsats for at planlægge den levende crap ud af alt tidligt, er der stadig et par sidste øjebliks detaljer for at udjævne. Jeg er så glad for at kaste hende en fest, men mand, jeg er træt. Når det er gjort, ser jeg frem til at sidde på min sofa. Måske vil jeg endda tage en lur!

Denne uges læsning

Makeup Geek Line startet af og Beauty Blogger Marlena Stell, går ud af drift.

Gwen Stefani’s New Makeup Line Gxve er udtalt “Give.”

Tilsyneladende er Elizabeth Holmes makeup i “Dropout” forsætligt forfærdeligt.

Nogle miljøvenlige muligheder for at gøre din skønhed rutine grønnere.

Disse hårbørster til krøllede anser er blide på hår og hårde på knuder.

Åh stor, nu vil jeg gerne tilføje alle disse hudcuticals produkter til min rutine!

Den overraskende grund parfume priser er skyrocketing.

Vent, hvad?


Mit hjerte vil fortsætte

Men vent, der er mere


Glem ikke din solcreme

Dette var bare dejligt

Bemærk til mig selv: Det er tid til nogle nye briller

Jeg ville have værdsat et dækning af “Jeg kan godt lide det,” Ahem


Jeg håber, at din weekend er ude til en god start! Hvad skal du lave i dag?

Din venlige naboskabs skønhedsadmed,


Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 703

have a tranquil day, my friend!

Så … hvad er mandag afstemning?

Fremragende spørgsmål! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Pop-Tarts or Eggo Waffles?

I’m an Eggo Waffles kinda gal.

2. rain coat or umbrella?

Rain coat, however only if there’s a huge hood!


3. who do you like chatting with about makeup?

Anyone who’ll listen to me prattle on, LOL!

4. When was the last time you took a nap?

Yesterday afternoon, right after lunch, as well as it was glorious.

5. What are your Thanksgiving traditions?

There’s gotta be two pies — one pumpkin, as well as one pecan. otherwise I will lose my sh*t!


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

6. Last time you used a bright red lipstick?

Um, mid-October, I think? I’m on a rosy brown lipstick kick right now.

7. have you ever fallen out of a tree?

No, say thanks to goodness. I have fallen off the monkey bars, though.

8. White eyeliner or black eyeliner?

Black, although I do like a hit of white liner on the lower waterline every when in a while.

9. Hair up or down today?

Ned. I can’t offer with anything tugging at my brain right now, LOL!

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,



S.s. Lige her er bekymringerne for at kopiere / indsætte med dine svar i en kommentar. talk to ya soon.

1. Pop-Tarts or Eggo Waffles?
2. rain coat or umbrella?
3. who do you like chatting with about makeup?
4. When was the last time you took a nap?
5. What are your Thanksgiving traditions?
6. Last time you used a bright red lipstick?
7. have you ever fallen out of a tree?
8. White eyeliner or black eyeliner?
9. Hair up or down today?

P.p.s. have a gorgeous Monday, gorgeous girl! say thanks to you for being a great friend. like you additional today!